This is a search function for searching our obituary index. You can search by name or by year of birth and year of death and you will be given a list of people, their date of birth, date of death and the Newspaper in which the obituary occurs.
Enter a last name to locate the obituaries for that name.. If you are not sure of a spelling, just enter the first three or four letters of the last name. You must enter at least three letters. You will get a longer list so be patient.
Enter a condition(greater than, less than or equal) then enter a date of birth next select a condition(greater than, less than or equal) then enter a date of death. You must enter a condition and date for both the year of birth and year of death.
Year of birth is: Equal To Greater Than Less Than
Year of death is: Equal To Greater Than Less Than
Now select a letter for a last name search: